Minggu, 26 Juni 2016

Life is a strugagle

We have often heard the saying” life is a struggle.” What can we learn from it? Turn it around and what do we have? Struggle is life. Many of us may not realise that since our con ception we have been struggging. We may not like it but in actual fact “struggle” makes us more alive! In many cases has always been sending that massage to us. Take those trees which are always facing storms and winds. They are not only stronger but their roots also grow deeper into the ground. The trees whict fight for sunlinght in the jungles are definitely stronger and taller than the creepers that cling around them or the small ferns which are undr their shelter.

People who exercies are sronger than those who don’t. our muscles need to strunggle to make us stronger.peple who work are somehow more active than those who just sit at home doing nothing.

According to a research team fron the MRC Dunn Nutrition Center in Cambridge,England- cars, televisions and modern labour saving devices can be harmful to our health. The trouble is- everyday levels of energy expenditure have dropped. The study found that more than a third of adult get less than 20 minutes of moderate exercise each week and fewer than half ever participate in active sports. With the dramatic increase in car ownrship, people are less likely to walk even short distance.

The calm which puts us to sleep may bemore fatal than the storm wich keeps awake.

Most people think that taking the easy out or having an easy life without diffcultis or problemsis good. It is a very serioous misconception.who wants to tough, hard life? I for one would not like it. But what I am putting forwad here is that struggle, be it physical or mentl, is necessary to make grow sronger in body and mind.

Struggle forces us to move when we would otherwise stand still. And it leads us eventually to the full realisation that success comes only through strugggle. Nothing worthwhilein liife is ever achieved whitout a struggle. If it were easy, everyone would do it.

When we climd up the ladder of life, we need to think (mental struggle). When we let ourselves slid, doing nothing and succumbing to an easy life, we tend to stop the thinking process.

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